Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Walking down to the reserve
On Friday after school me and my dad went for a walk at the reserve . My dad was walking I was on the bike . When we got down at the reserve we sat down on the chair . We watched the birds flying .
Then we had a race , he goes on the bike and I walk . It was funny I trip on a hole , my dad was laughing . He said' are you alright , I'm okay . My dad said lets go home .
On our way home we had a little played at the playground . Then we went home , when we got there he said lets go buy something to eat . We bought fish 'n' chips .
It was yummmy . We went home happily and I said thank you at last .
Monday, March 25, 2013
Aunty's Pasefika mum past away
In the weekend my aunty , uncle , cousin and her brothers went to Samoa to there mum grave . She was sad when she heard that her mum past away . We gave her 4000 dollar to them . Next day they went to Samoa .
Then the next it was her mum grave . Her dad did the prayed . After they dig a hole and put the grave down . My aunty was crying when they put her in the grave .
At last they chuck flowers in . They went back home home with her dad . On Saturday they came back. They came to our house and give some food from Samoa .
They said Samoa was find and my cousin got sick from the pools so we have to keep away from them .
Friday, March 22, 2013
Special guess STKS
The lonely old man

Poor man he's homeless . He has no family and no kids . His feet was tingling and felt cold in the sands He was so lonely no one talks to him , but then someone 'said" hi .
As he walked past people they felt sorry for him . He went to the beach to washed his feet. He looked at people in the beach splashing around and soon he got wet . So he went to a sunny place and dried out .
After he dried out, it started raining . Poor old man no where he could run . He saw a broken umbrella and he went to hide in it . He hide under the umbrella and his hands felt freezing .
A man walked by and he saw someone under the umbrella . He went and looked it was an old man . He said" lets go up to the building . When he got to the building it stopped raining . He went to his house and had a rest .
Friday, March 15, 2013
The Special Assembly

After Miss Muliaumase'alii and her group sang she introduced a special guest. I was wondering who it was . Miss Muliaumase'alii told us .It was her brother we clapped to welcome him .Then he told us about where he travels to . He travels to Austrian , London and Samoa .
He began to sing the minoiminoi song means hurry it a samoa song .When he finished saying his bit we say minoi minoi minoi . It was funny and we were laughing . All off the class were waving there hand up .
Miss Muliaumase'alii brother sang another song that come from Samoa too , but this one is about the Surinam happen in Samoa .Then next he sang a song from London.His voice was high and genral . It was amazing .Then we went back to class .
The End
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